Monday, September 17, 2007

iHCPL #2 & #3 Learning Habits

The blog is now registered with iHCPL for the training program.

I watched the Tutorial again to make note of the learning habits.
I noted the following :
Give Yourself Credit
Motivate Yourself
Set a Goal
Think Positive

Laughter and Think Positive are two that are easy for me. If you can't laugh at yourself or find fun in your work, why do it? Laughter breeds Positive Thinking and vice versa - see previous sentence.

I'm not really interested in Credit. I know what I can do & what I've done, so I guess I give myself credit, but I'm not interested in "publishing it" unless it means more money (ha-ha-ha). But hey, I work for the County Government and don't expect to get rich from it. Those that do tend to get jail sentences.

The Motivate Yourself & Set a Goal are related. This can sometimes be tough when goals are changeable. It helps to set small step goals - like clean the dresser off, instead of cleaning the whole room. Working it in small steps eventually gets you to the goal. Taking that first step is easier when the drop off isn't so big. Accomplishing the smaller steps help you see progress and keep you motivated.

Organize- Anyone who has seen my house or desk will know this is the hardest for me. I usually know where the stuff is, but it would be difficult for others. I do keep working on organization. I just need to remember that "small step" will get me to my goal.

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