Monday, November 19, 2007

iHCPL #23 The end of one journey is the beginning of another

This has been an interesting journey. As my title states - The end of one journey is the beginning of another. Everything we learn is just another step forward on the path of life and who knows where it might lead?

In these exercises, I found both familiar and new things. I'm helping others learn about their new discoveries.

I found that there were some activities I was familiar with, but not using because I wasn't sure I needed them. Because I was "forced" to use them as part of these exercises, I found them to be quite useful. Two items are LibraryElf and Bloglines RSS feeds. LibraryElf has been really nice for monitoring the 5 cards across 3 systems in the family. Bloglines is useful in keeping track of new developments on site I like to monitor, without the worry that I have missed something.

I have been recommending LibraryElf to customers who track multiple cards. I think it would be a good promotion for us, especially towards those customers with families and multiple cards

I think we can use online video tutorials for customers to better learn how-to instead of just having a hand out. Video could also help us show "How the LibraryWorks" so customers better understand what happens "behind the scenes".

We need to know what Library 2.0 & Web 2.0 are, but we also need to know how to use it to help our customers. It has been a great journey, but I want to bring along others too.

Where are you going and what are you doing NEXT?

I think Library 2.0, and Web 2.0 for that matter, is something that evolves to meet the needs of its users. One examaple is the iHCPL program for employees and the matching iHCPL2 program for patrons at HCPL. These tools help employees learn how to help the patrons and patrons learn how to help themselves. The programs are voluntary, but available to those who want to participate.

We learn how to help others and make available the tools so they can also help themselves.

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