Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Consumer's How To #44: How To & Make

A Consumer's How To #44: How To & Make

Of the different types of How To sites listed in the blog post above, Instructables is my favorite. I like eHow, WikkiHow, and HowStuffWorks too. There really aren't any how-to that I don't like, because they each have their own appeal. One not listed that I really like is MAKE. It is one that truly encourages the use of your imagination.

I looked at the Instructables site and immediately saw a subject I wanted to learn about: a Paracord bracelet with a side release buckle. I've seen these for sale online and have wondered how they were made. One DIY site had issued a "challenge" a while back to see who would figure it out. If I can remember which one it was, I'll make sure they have this link.

The instructions for this "survival" bracelet are very easy. I was having Girl Scout camping flashbacks about knot making. I don't know if I will be making one anytime soon, but I have a source fro instructions now. Maybe if I happen across some paracord while thrift shopping or freecycling ..... Or I could see what I have on hand...... Maybe a trip to the hardware store.... Hmmmm.....

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