Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Future of Media #81: Get Out Your Crystal Ball

The Future of Media #81: Get Out Your Crystal Ball

You can't look at a crystal ball without thinking of the past.  I remember the 8-track vs audiocassette debate and Betamax vs VHS.  I remember when the laserdisc first appeared (Think DVD, but LP sized).  I still have LPs, 45s and a record player to play them on.   I am an early adopter in some regards.  You may have read in an earlier post that I have owned a widescreen HDTV CRT for about 8 years.

Technology moves on.  I remember when the internet was just starting.  Now you can have streaming video on your PC, Laptop, or hand-held device. Despite all this, I think we will always want a format you can hold in your hand AND the convenience of computer access. 

But not everyone has internet access. And in homes that do, there may be only one computer.  Just because you hear about all the tech, dosn't mean it is in wide use.  I watched the HD DVD vs Blu-ray race and still get regular DVDs.  I don't see my DVD player dying anytime soon.  Same with my VCR, tho if I want to record with it I would need a converter box (maybe.  I need to look at the back of the electronics again. Good thing the system is on wheels.)

The new 3D movies are fun, but I don't see myself adopting that tech at home yet, unless it just means a pair of 3D glasses.  Maybe the new 3D developments will help advance virtual reality technology.  Holo-deck anyone?  I think that is the influence for the future.

But I will still go to the movies.  Besides, the last movie I attended included 3 adults and 6 teens and I don't think they all would have fit in my living room even if it was clean.

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